Thursday, January 6, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Time Flys

My dad headed to Texas to work on ADL7 Hunting ranch my mom soon followed and they have been there ever sense.Miss them so much.April is all ways a good time cuz its fair time and Easter.
Cole had a blast at the fair this year he road all the rides and love them all.
The summer months we would always go swimming and BBQ we got to the fair grounds lay on a blanket and watch the fire works. July 23rd we had to go to St.George to get Cole's adenoids tonsils and tubes put in his ears the surgery went good but he had a problem with the anaesthesia when he woke up he wasn't breathing that good so we had stay over night so they could watch everything. Everyone was so nice at the hospital.

In December my mom got really sick.She has been sick for a while. She has a Hilda hernia.but it was never this bad.My dad had to take her to the hospital in Crystal City the gave her an I V because she couldn't keep anything down so she was dehydrated. She went home and the next day it was worse so my dad took her to San Antonio TX to a bigger hospital and they found that her stomach had tied in a knot and was up in her abdomen so they did surgery. They tied her stomach down and she has been doing allot better. So glad that's over she still cant eat allot of stuff but she is feeling a ton better. 

Aaron still in Texas But I have been back and forth the got to come home for two weeks so that was nice to spend some time home for Christmas. Cole was so happy to see him when we picked him up at the airport. It was sad to have him go but we flew down a couple weeks later stayed for a while and come back before Cole's 3rd Birthday
in March. Aaron cold not get time off at that time but we had a wonderful party we had a ton of food and great people come when it was time to sing happy birthday I called Aaron so he could sing and here everyone sing. He got to come home to visit a few weeks later so it was nice.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
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